Two Towers, Libya

Hotel | Residential | Iconic | Apartments block | mixed use

Partly a boutique hotel and partly residential, the Two Towers is a perfect oval cut into two. 

A ten-storey building with two functions, independent yet interrelated. This THINK NATURE building stands confidently as an Oval-shaped Tower surrounded by square buildings. The design is based on biophilic forms and patterns. 

The Biophilic façade enhances the dynamism of the diffused light and shadows filtering into the interior space while preventing overheating. 

Inspired by traditional Arabic motifs, it enhances privacy, reduces direct sunlight and helps with natural ventilation. 

The area is already saturated with hotels and residential blocks, so the vision for the new edifice is to be iconic - with a more exciting design, in order to attract the visitors’ interest. 

The hotel and residential functions of the building use shared facilities, such as a common reading room, gym, swimming pool, and cinema room, whilst remaining completely separate. The distinct exterior shape represents the half-moon, a symbol rooted in local history and culture. 

Plans Option


Environmental friendly techniques used in the design:

Brise Soleil

Passive solar


Eco-friendly lighting and fittings

Natural cross ventilation

Night cooling

Maximization of daylight

Shape of the building prevents wind turbulence

Super insulated structure

Structural and cladding 3D Printing

District heating

Displacement ventilation

Recycled timber

Natural materials: Bamboo, cork etc.

IoT system for the hotel

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